
When Maria asked me to be the Madrina for her wedding I could not really say no.
You see before having a boyfriend Maria used to work for me as a camarera ( housekeeper) for more than 4 years and we used to joke about her love life and when she got married I would buy her rings… So that day did eventually come.
Of course this was new to me so I asked her how much money would you need to buy the rings.You buy the rings Valerie , she said. But what if you dont like what I buy?
Maria graciously said, whatever you buy will be the right ones… Oh! O K . With sizes in hand it would mean a trip to Merida. I was puzzled as to where to go… like ,its not everyday you go to buy wedding rings , is it? And as I am not really a jewelry person it meant that I had some shopping to do.
Maria asked me to get the rings engraved on the inside ( its the tradition here) Her ring would have Miguels name on it and his ring with Maria,s name and of course the date of the wedding.
I thought that when I brought them back they would go straight to Marias house ready for the day… but no. I had to keep them until the day of the wedding and present them at the time they were needed. Our version would be the best man giving the rings to the bride and groom .
The wedding is actually done in the town hall…. known as the palacio…a civil ceremony as the churches do not have the rights to marry. Always it is the civil first then if they want the white wedding gown affair they would then set a date for the church service and the party afterwards.
Maria and Miguel and their families do not have the money for the church ceremony but with help of friends and relations they did manage a small party with a live band.

Miguel and Maria

Miguel and Maria

Maria gave up working for me when it was decided that there would be a wedding… things are still a little old fashioned here. The husband does not want his wife to work and thinks her place is in the home , along side his mother and he will provide. It ,s a pity really as she had a good job and secure money and it would have helped the family out because Miguel,s work is not always secure. They are so young, both being 18 years of age
and one can gurrantee within a year Maria will be giving birth.
The happy couple with family members

The happy couple with family members

About thepickledonionyucatan

Born in England emigrated to Canada and now reside in the Yucatan Mexico. LIfe is a journey so enjoy as much as you can
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4 Responses to Madrina…/godmother

  1. Tara says:

    What a special moment for you all.
    How did the ring shopping go? Hope they liked the rings and hoped they fit!
    Congratulations and best of luck to Maria and Miguel.

    • I will send your message onto them Tara thank you Miguels ring was just perfect but Maria,s size was really difficult ,she has very tiny fingers… so right now she is wearing it on her middle finger. A new experience for me but it was fun…. and they dont really have any money ! I joked with them on the day and said if you get divorced I want the rings back please !! Now it is known in the village lets see how many more come forth ha ha hugs MUM xoxoxox

  2. says:

    We not be in progreso this snowbird season and will sure miss the weekend spent with Wayne and Sandy group , really enjoy your blog.

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